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Data That Proves the Importance of Mobile to Insurance Marketers

Andrew Sheridan Business Intelligence Project Manager, DialogTech

Mobile has certainly swept the marketing world, and insurance marketing is no exception. Just ask the Geico Gecko about their mobile app – he is very proud of the fact that their app has been ranked #1 two years running (and he has the trophy to go along with it). We also believe mobile is a crucial part of any insurance marketer’s strategy, here are a few data points to back it up.

40% of insurance research time was spent on mobile devices (xAd).

Insurance shoppers are no longer solely doing their research on desktops. Shoppers want to be able to learn about your insurance options on their smartphone and this means you need to be prepared. Mobile is a great channel to drive awareness early in the sales cycle to ensure that your brand is one of their top considerations.

25% of insurance shoppers use only their smartphones (xAd).

Not only are a high number of people researching insurance on their phone, but one in four people are exclusively using their smartphone for their purchase decision. If you don’t have a mobile presence, this is a growing piece of your business you are certainly missing out on.

51% of both smartphone and tablet owners in the UK bought an insurance policy after carrying out mobile research (Statista).

It turns out that mobile is also a highly-influential research medium. Of the large portion of people who are researching insurance using their mobile device, a little over half of those people actually go on to purchase. As mobile continues to grow in popularity, the purchase impact of this channel will rise as well.

2 out 3 use specific brand apps/sites (xAd).

This is one stat that the Geico Gecko would surely love. Insurance brands need to capitalize on the influx of mobile traffic, and a branded app or website is the best way to do so. If your website is not yet mobile friendly, it is definitely time to make those adjustments. If you can develop an outstanding mobile app, even better.

60% of mobile shoppers find it important to be able to call an insurance company during the purchase process (Google).

Due to the nature of an insurance purchase, shoppers are likely to have a few questions about what they are purchasing. Insurance is a considered decision for most people – a complex and more expensive purchase. Make it easy to get on the phone with one of your reps by routing shoppers to the right rep quickly; it can make all of the difference to the shopper, and is a sure-fire way to make sure they convert into a customer. Some incredibly powerful routing options include routing calls to local agents, routing by keyword search or web page to send callers for auto insurance to a different place than home insurance. It is also crucial as a marketer to know where these calls are coming from. Call attribution software tracks every caller from your search ads, Facebook ads and other advertising. This helps you prove the value of your ads as well as optimize spend for those ads that are really driving results.

Insurance shoppers have gone mobile, and you need to be available to them through this tremendously popular channel. If you have not woven mobile into your overall digital strategy, now is definitely a good time to start. One of the best ways to start with mobile, or even to enhance your mobile presence, is through Facebook advertising. To learn more about strategies for advertising on Facebook, check out our New Guide for Insurance Marketers: Facebook Advertising in a Mobile World.