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Google’’s New Mobile-Friendly Label and the Impact of Mobile on Search


Google’s algorithm has been penalizing websites with a poor mobile experience since an update in June 2013. Recently, Google has taken it one step further by including mobile-friendly labels alongside search results of websites offering a good mobile experience. Websites that earn the mobile-friendly label will have additional text in the organic search result reading Mobile-friendly (see screen shot below).

Google's Mobile-Friendly Label

The new labeling system from Google is another attempt at demonstrating the importance of a mobile-friendly website experience. The label is designed to further improve the mobile user experience on Google by making it easy for mobile searchers to identify websites that:

    • Avoid software that is not common on mobile devices, like Flash
    • Use text that is readable without zooming
    • Size content to the screen so users don’t have to scroll horizontally or zoom
    • Place links far enough apart so that the correct one can be easily tapped

(Google Webmaster Central Blog)

This mobile-friendly label is just another indication from Google that a mobile-optimized strategy for marketing and advertising is key in 2015.

Optimizing Marketing and Advertising for Mobile Search

With mobile web usage already surpassing desktop and the rising number of people with smartphone devices (2/3 of Americans report having a smartphone), having a mobile-optimized marketing strategy on Google is key to success and ROI. People are checking email on their phones, surfing the web on tablets, and searching for local businesses on smartphones more than ever. Any marketing strategy that focuses on generating leads and converting mobile traffic into online or offline sales needs a mobile-optimization strategy focused on generating calls.

The Importance of the Call in Today’s Mobile World

The ability to generate and track leads originating in mobile searches (organic and paid) is an often-overlooked piece of a well-rounded mobile-optimized marketing strategy. Google reports that 61% of mobile searches result in a phone call, so having a phone number prominently displayed in your Google ad or organic search listing is key to growing business. Google also found that 52% of smartphone users who click through to your landing page will call you, and that mobile searchers are 6-8% more likely to click on ads with phone numbers.

With the rise of smartphones comes the rise of mobile searches, and the rise of mobile searches leads to increased inbound calls. The need to track these leads back to their original marketing source is key to helping marketers and advertisers determine true ROI of every campaign.

To learn more about tracking phone leads from Google download the free eBook, Marketer’s Guide to Call Tracking for Google SEO and PPC.