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3 Stats That Prove Call Attribution Is the New Black


It’s estimated that by 2019, over 70% of digital ad spend will be mobile. Being able to tie every new customer to the right mobile marketing channel is crucial, but many marketers still struggle to properly track the revenue that phone calls generate for their business. If you’re dragging your feet, the time is now to start implementing call attribution. The following three stats should give you a better idea of why it’s so important, and we’ve also included an infographic below if you want more context.

By 2019, Mobile Ad Spend Will Rise to $66 Billion

That’s right – billion, with a “b.” As search, social, display, video, and even email go mobile, marketers are quickly realizing that if they hope to reach consumers, they must do so via mobile devices. That’s a lot of money for marketers to be spending without full-picture attribution.

There Were 76 Billion Calls From Mobile Marketing in 2014

…and that number will grow to 162 billion by 2019. So as marketers are increasing their ad spend for mobile, there’s also an expected—or what should be expected—increase in the phone calls that come from those ads. When a consumer is browsing your site on their smartphones—or searching from their smartphone: over 50% of searches now occur on a mobile device, and 40% of paid search clicks—a phone call is the most natural mode of conversion. Marketers who don’t know how to attribute that massive number of calls will gave a gaping hole in their ROI data.

Call Conversions Become Revenue 10x More Often Than Web Leads

While some businesses (inaccurately) view phone calls as an inconvenient way to communicate with customers, the fact of the matter is that leads from phone calls are most valuable kind of lead—66% of sales managers say so. But their conversion rate tells us something else other than their value: if they’re converting to revenue 10x more often and marketers still aren’t using call attribution…that means the hole in your ROI data will continue to get bigger and bigger.

Want to learn more? See the infographic below for he full picture, and if you want to start learning what your options are for easy call attribution, download this free webinar: Introducing DialogTech for Mobile Marketing.

call attribution