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15 Stats Marketers Need to Know to Improve the Customer Journey Today

Andrew Sheridan Business Intelligence Project Manager, DialogTech

The responsibility for the customer journey has largely shifted from sales to marketing. As marketers, it is now crucial to optimize the customer journey and evolve it to better align with our online, mobile world. It is not always easy to locate weak points in the customer journey, but these 15 statistics will likely help you locate some areas in need of improvement.

  1. 86% of senior-level marketers say that it’s absolutely critical or very important to create a cohesive customer journey (Salesforce). Senior-level marketers understand the importance of the customer journey. This journey needs to be consistent and make the process as painless as possible for the customer. This means being available on every device and through every channel.
  2. 43% of survey respondents said there were more team members involved in a B2B purchase than in the previous year’s survey (DemandBase). As the customer journey becomes longer and more complex, this means more parties are going to be involved on the buyer side. This requires a strong CRM instance to keep track of every contacts details as well as personalized content to keep everyone personally invested in the journey.
  3. 91% of consumers check their email at least once a day on their smartphone (ExactTarget). Email is a superb way to attract the attention of consumers in the early stages of the journey. Having a presence in their inbox is a sure way to remind them of your brand and show them what you have to offer.
  4. 66% of smartphone users turn to their phones to look up something they saw in a TV commercial (Google). The world has gone mobile and this has had a drastic impact on the customer journey. This isn’t just true for TV commercials either. A huge number of marketing channels are now designed to drive consumers online. This largely happens on smartphones due to their convenience of always being at your side.
  5. 72% of buyers will turn to Google while in the research stage (Pardot). Google is an incredibly important research tool for those in the early stages of the customer journey. Having a great SEO presence and effective PPC ads go a long way in moving that buyer from a Google search to your website.
  6. 67% of the buyer’s journey is now done digitally (SiriusDecisions). This means that your online marketing is more important than ever. Buyers are relying less on sales reps to provide them with information and more on your content.
  7. 90% of consumers say their buying decisions are influenced by online reviews (Ciceron). Before consumers make a purchase, they want to know what other consumers think. Having positive online reviews will help transition buyers to the later stages of the journey.
  8. 53% of B2B buyers turn to social media in their assessment of various tools and technologies (DemandBase). Your social media presence is incredibly important during the early and middle stages of the journey. Buyers may not discover you through these channels, but they are certainly evaluating you based on your social media.
  9. In general, display impressions tend to influence customers at the beginning of the purchase path 33% of the time and in the middle 45%. They play a role at the end of the journey about 23% of the time (Google). Display advertising can be effective at the beginning of the journey, but it really shines in the middle. This is because these types of ads are great for keeping your brand in front of consumers and at the top of their minds.
  10. 83% of consumers require some degree of customer support while making an online purchase (eConsultancy). Consumers don’t want to spend their money online without first hearing from you. Providing a positive customer experience at this point in the journey is crucial to winning sales.
  11. Customers are increasingly frustrated with the level of service they experience: 91% because they have to contact a company multiple times for the same reason, 90% by being put on hold for a long time, and 89% by having to repeat their issue to multiple representatives (Accenture Global Consumer Pulse Survey). Customers are not happy with the service they are getting. Improving your CX in these three key areas will only get more important.
  12. By 2016, 89% of companies expect to compete mostly on the basis of customer experience, versus 36% four years ago (Gartner). Companies know that CX is growing in importance. As the online marketplace continues to produce more vendor options, truly successful companies will differentiate themselves by providing superb customer experiences.
  13. 4 out of 5 local searches on mobile devices end in a purchase and 73% of these purchases are in brick-and-mortar stores (Search Engine Watch). Local searches are one of the quickest paths to purchase. Optimizing your search results to connect people with your business and give them a clear path to your stores is a sure way to drive revenue.
  14. 62% of customers find it extremely/very important to be able to call your business at the purchase stage (Google). Moving customers through the purchase stage often requires having a conversation with them over the phone. Having a readily available phone number and getting callers on the phone with sales or support reps quickly is a great way to boost revenue.
  15. 67% of online shoppers call a business directly for any purchase greater than $100 (OECD). Considered purchases are driving a higher number of calls into businesses. If your company sells a product or service that has a longer and more complex buying process, optimizing for inbound calls is necessary for success.

Improving the customer journey can drive extraordinary benefits for your bottom line. As more and more of this journey shifts to online channels, especially through mobile, marketing must take responsibility for each and every one of the stages. To discover even more ways to optimize the customer journey, watch our on-demand webinar: How to Create a Mobile Friendly Customer Journey.