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Top 6 Signs Your Marketing Needs the Touch of Voice-Based Marketing Automation


As a modern marketer, you probably deal with a variety of campaigns and strategies in your day-to-day: email marketing, social media, display, lead gen, and more. You’re accountable to your boss (who might also be the CEO), but you’re also accountable to sales and even customer support. You’re always juggling the need to prove ROI, align with sales, and prove to your customers that your service is great.

Sound familiar? You’re not alone. Many marketers, both B2B and B2C, struggle with these things, and many of them have turned to voice-based marketing automation (VBMA) tools to strengthen their efforts across the board. If the following 6 scenarios sound familiar, you might need VBMA too.

You Struggle with Tracking ROI in the Digital/Mobile Age

It’s 2015: the year that mobile search will surpass desktop search, and digital is a landscape where most marketers are thriving. But many still struggle to track leads that come in from online, unaware of tools like dynamic number insertion and click-to-calls. The way to track that ROI exists, but if the results elude you, it’s time for VBMA.

Your Phone Menu Has No Marketing Goals

Maybe you already have an IVR. But if you still think the only use for an automated phone menu is to simply greet callers so you don’t have to have a receptionist, you definitely not only need to upgrade your IVR, but rethink everything it can do for your business. IVR can be a way to generate and score leads, conduct market research, and more.

Your Geo-Location Abilities Are Non-Existent

If your business has multiple locations, a geo-location tool is critical. Far more sophisticated than a simple Store Locator, geo-location gives you the power to optimize the calls your business receives from mobile devices, routing them automatically based on the caller’s precise location. As mentioned above, being able to track these calls just makes it even sweeter, and it’s extremely helpful to customers.

Phone Calls to Your Business Never See Your CRM

Customers call you. You have a CRM. If these two things are mutually exclusive, then you need a VBMA integration. ASAP.

Your Search Marketing Strategy Is Uninformed by Phone Call Data

Most marketers are advertising on multiple search engines, which is already a task in itself. But too many marketers make the huge mistake of ignoring phone call data in the search marketing space: according to Google, 70% of consumers have used the click-to-call button on a search ad. A search marketing strategy that is missing phone calls is missing a huge piece of the picture. Using a bid management tool? You’re not off the hook. There are better ways to make the most of that activity.

You Test Web Variations, But You Haven’t Realized That Calls Are the New Clicks

If you’re smart, you’re using a tool like Optimizely to test web page variations of your site. But you’re not as smart as you think you are if you’re not considering calls in this strategy. 30 billion calls were made to businesses in the U.S. alone in 2013, and that number is expected to reach 65 billion by 2016. With the mobile surge, more people than ever before prefer to call than click. Are you keeping up?

If any of these examples sound like you, it’s time to step it up. Start by downloading The Definitive Guide to Voice-Based Marketing Automation today. Or you can look at the top of this page and give us a call.